Hamster Wheel
In my house, two questions seem to be on repeat these days.
What time is it?
What day is it (again)? Because someone already asked but forgot that they asked. It may have been me.
For some reason, these questions brought back memories of those sleepless newborn days. I recall hearing this quote as a new parent but I don’t remember who told me or where it came from. However, I do remember the sentiment of the words as they continue to ring true:
“The days are long and the years are short.” – anonymous
Looking back through my journal, I found this little haiku I wrote on April 1st.:
Time fluidity
Where the hours overlap
To repeat again
I don’t think I realized it was April Fools’ Day. Yet, subconsciously, I must have assumed that time was playing a joke on me. The uncertainty of time these days has me feeling like I’m running a marathon on a hamster wheel.
Our shelter in place order was pushed from April 30th until May 30th for all the right reasons. Remote learning has been extended through the remainder of the school year. This is not surprising at all. I know it’s the best thing we can do to flatten the curve, along with continuously supporting our healthcare and essential workers.
So back on the hamster wheel I go… yet slow and steady this time around.
What are you doing to break out of the monotony of lockdown?
(As I type this, my daughter is making up a rap on hyperbole while background music plays on the computer. The beat is pretty good… LOL).

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A Poem to ponder
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