Daily Habits for a Happier Life
Yesterday, I stumbled across Nora Battelle’s article on Thrive titled: 4 Things We Learned From Melissa McCarthy About Living Better, Happier, and Funnier. It made me smile. The article hit all the right notes highlighting Melissa’s values and habits that keep her happy. The first line grabbed me right away – Laughter is the best medicine. Why, yes, it is! I wholeheartedly agree with this statement as I also referenced it in one of my first blog posts: Laughing Your Way to Zen.
The current state of events and lack of traditional public discourse have increased my desire to step away from the news despite being a self professed news junkie. For me, comedy has been a huge relief in keeping things in perspective. It’s also a great reminder not to take myself too seriously. I’ve spent the better part of the year creating new habits that have made a positive impact on my daily life. I am always learning and tweeking but definitely happier. As a creature of habit, creating new shifts in my routine was hard, but not impossible.
While all a work in progress, here are my new habits:
- Getting a daily dose of laughter
- Switching my snooze button for 10-20 minutes of morning free writing
- Putting my phone away while in the company of others
- Being truly present in the moment (without distractions and multitasking)
You can read the original NYT Magazine interview with Melissa McCarthy here.
What would you switch out of your daily routine to improve your well-being?

Friendship Starts with Self
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