Conversations,  Wise Words

Reflections and Gratitude

It’s a new year! I love the reset, clean slate and new beginnings that come with January 1st. It’s so freeing.

In reflection, 2019 was an incredible year. I look forward to writing a few separate posts about the things that moved me the most. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a month by month snapshot of the moments that still make me smile. Some were experiences and other simple everyday moments and feelings that I hope to treasure always. I am still relishing in the gratitude of a year well spent. 

The commitment to make self-care a priority in 2019 and the weekend trip with a dear friend who made the time.

San Diego at dusk

This sweet moment and the love shared with our adopted puppy.

An unforgettable trip to Colombia to participate in trans:form:ed, an immersive, innovative educational program.

A sunny weekend in Cancun, Mexico to celebrate a dear friend’s wedding.

Finding this project my daughter’s backpack and the incredible words she used to describe herself.


Cousin Laurita, from Colombia, visiting Chicago for the first time.


This drawing and the love of her little details.

Lulu age 8

Spring break in Southern California, the connection to nature, friends, and the moments that matter most. 

Joshua Tree National Park

A mother’s day concert and the cute dance moves and gestures of love.

Lulu 2nd grade

Cubs VS Cardinals and one little friend’s very first baseball game.

Father’s Day weekend in Washington D.C. and the post that followed.

A special visit from Grandma Connie.

Granny Franny visits us in Chicago.

Our first Kitchen remodel project and the anxiety that comes with it.

During Demo

A beautiful week with dear friends in Los Contamines Mont Joie, France exploring the Alps.

The Alps

Travel to Switzerland and the Netherlands to celebrate summer. These are two of my favorite pics.

Founex, Switzerland at dawn
Haarlem, Netherlands

Our annual Labor Day weekend in Michigan with dear friends.

Favorite view
Looking for turtles

First day of 3rd grade.

This guy and his morning birthday smile.

Logan Square Sept 29, 2019

Celebrated 14 years of marriage at the same place it began, Buona Terra.

Oct 7, 2019

This pumpkin crew.

Goebbert’s Farm

This sweet Halloween witch and her first Bucktown music concert.

This sweet pup and some words on his one year adoption anniversary.


This amazing guy and the recognition he received for his service to others and his advocacy for global citizenship.

Thank you, @ChicagoSisterCities

A visit from my Father-in-law and Mother-in-law for a long weekend.

This very happy 9-year-old.

A spontaneous weekend trip to St. Louis to visit friends and family.

As seen from the highway

Celebrated my 44th trip around the sun with a homemade cheesecake made by my two favorite humans.

Family in Cali, Colombia 12/25/2019

A sweet moment shared by little cousins and the relationship that I hope continues to flourish in the future.

Cali, Colombia 12/25/2019

And with that…my heart is full.

What were your favorite moments of 2019? 

Wishing you many more special moments, adventures and reasons to pause in 2020. 

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