The Many Faces of Self
I love starting a New Year and thinking of all the excitement and adventure that has yet to unfold. Although, I don’t believe in resolutions. In fact, any resolutions I’ve ever made, I’ve never kept. A sure fire way to fail, for me at least, is to make a resolution. This way of thinking doesn’t resonate with me for some reason. However, I am a firm believer in self-reflection and goals. Perhaps I am a daydreaming hopeful, yet, this works for me. I love the fluidity of thought, room for growth, hope and the opportunity to welcome the unknown. I like that I can reflect and revamp my goals throughout the year and leave the door open for new things that weren’t initially on my radar.
This year, I’ve decided to reflect on the many faces of self, tackling each day with positive intentions, living more in the moment, and clearing the clutter of mind and home. This will not be an exhaustive list, but a place to start and bloom from with the goal of adding to it throughout the year.
The faces of self that I want to fill my days…
What about you? What are you focusing on in 2019?
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