On my mind
While I know we are all in this together, it is still daunting that every minute is dominated by the coronavirus. We are on week two of lockdown. Homeschooling and virtual everything is our new normal. I’m…
Love and Friendship
On Valentine’s day, I enjoy sending cards to my girlfriends in celebration of friendship, love, and gratitude. Love is so much more than a couple. Rumi wrote that “Love is the vital core of the soul”. I…
Creating a Diverse Community of Women
Nila Mahyari Stevens is a pharmacist by training and has used her skills in the areas of research, nonprofit and policy decision-making in the healthcare space. Nila is currently on the medical affairs team for a mid-size…
Building Identity through Community, Travel, and Spirituality
Keshira haLev Fife’s superpower is human connection. She’s originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and later lived in Sydney, Australia for 13 years becoming the country’s first Kohenet (Hebrew Priestess) in 2017. She radiates joy, light, warmth, and kindness.…